Welcome to Ulina! This Carrd will provide all the information you need - and more, to comprehend what our community is all about, and hopefully convince you to join!

Click "What is Ulina?" to get an understanding about our community

And click ''How to Join" to begin the process of joining!

See below for other links, too!

Last updated: 2/20/2021




In one definition, this is.
This is the map of Ulina, a planet. This map is filled with continents, climates, countries, and civilizations.

But in another definition...

Ulina is an open, welcoming community, on Instagram. Centred around this simple map, it's a community of all sorts of people. Historians, linguists, cartographers, and militarists, but also musicians, artists,and storytellers. A community of creators, and friends!

In Ulina, you can create your own country. One with its very own place on the map. Your own nation, that can expand, enter diplomacy with other countries, and have its own culture, language, and history. You can do all the things a country can.

It isn't just a map game, however.

When it comes to what you can do with your country, the only limit is your creativity. There is hardly any restrictions on what can be done, just an emphasis on going above and beyond.

We have countries who have turned their nations into settings for complex and fascinating story arcs, with vibrant characters and gripping plots.

We have countries who have focused on sculpting beautiful cultures, with brilliant languages and traditions.

We have countries who have built formidable sci-fi militaries, and ones who rely on diplomacy for influence.

All within a shared world. The possibilities are endless.

Ulina's wonderfully bizarre, and has spawned situations from cold wars to hot wars, inside jokes, and inside espionage. Dynamic, always changing, and lots to do. And best of all, our tight-knit community is ready and excited to see and consume what YOU create. We share a world, after all!

Welcome to Ulina!


Emperor Bernard - Great Hegi


Our community is easy to join, easy to settle into, and easy to learn!

And we want YOU!

To join Ulina, all that needs to be done is to fill out THIS form below:


The form will ask you to choose a place on the map, come up with the name, a flag, and some information to describe your country, and then agree to the rules!

Once that's done, you'll need to make the Instagram account, and wait until your form is approved! You'll be notified when it is, and at the moment you're added to the group chats on Instagram, and join the Discord, you'll officially be a country! Welcome to our community!

''I see everything is under control.''

Krištops - Lestovia


Ulina has community rules, to ensure it remains the accomodating and friendly place it is, for everyone, and to keep things running smoothly.

Violations of the rules, depending on the severity, will usually result in a warning, but subsequent action will have to be taken, including land reduction, or expulsion from the community.


  1. No slurs of any kind. Ulina is strict on slur usage. Even if they can be reclaimed, slurs are not welcome in this enviroment, whether it's a joke or not.

  2. No insensitivity. Similarly to rule 1, jokes or discussions that infringe on someone's comfort, whatever that may be, are against the rules. We aren't edgy here, and we don't appreciate that sort of humour, either.

  3. No hatefulness. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or anything the like are strictly forbidden. Ulina is a safe enviroment for anyone, regardless of expression, or background, and members who cannot respect others for who they are, aren't welcome.

  4. RESPECT!! BE NICE!!! Don't pick fights, don't demean others, don't talk behind others' backs. Be a friend to everyone, this is a community of pals! Criticism is okay, just don't be awful about it! Be kind, and get along with everyone. Respect others, too. Pronouns, or personal discomforts must be respected! If things devolve into an argument, please take it and KEEP it out of the server!

  5. BE FAIR! Ulina is nearly entirely without creative restrictions, but the only limitation is fairness. You have free reign on your country, but please be fair. Don't make yourself overpowered, or overwrite the choices of others. If you're unsure, be in dialogue! Ask a community leader if something is fair, or ask a neighbour to collaborate with you! Other than that, craziness is encouraged!

  6. LISTEN TO THE LEADERS! Ulina is shepherded by several key leaders, like Zok, and the vice boss Galaxy, but also our community moderators! Asdas, Small, Kry, D'otlohr, Mtron, and Rhea. The leaders are there to lead, and their words are the rules. Listen to what they say! Leaders are fantastic to ask questions, as well.

  7. Be active when you can. Joining Ulina is a responsibility. You MUST be consistently engaged, and must consistently stay active. You can keep your activity up by engaging in the community, in ways like being active in the Discord server or in the Instagram group chats, participating in events, interacting with other nations, and ESPECIALLY creating new content for your country. this must be something that happens somewhat often, health and time providing. activity sweeps are a thing, and if you aren't active, you may get a warning, lose land, or even be kicked. if you can't accept this, Ulina may not be for you.